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We do not share or sell our visitor lists to anyone. Please be aware of scams from third party companies /...
We do not share or sell our visitor lists to anyone. Please be aware of scams from third party companies /...
You can find out how to get to Marshall Arena by train, car, plane and more here
There is onsite catering available to buy. You will also find many restaurants located on the Stadium Park, including in /...
Separate registration is required to attend the Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites Conference on 5th September via
Yes, your badge will be sent to you by email to print.
Wednesday 4th September: 9am - 5pm Thursday 5th September: 9am - 4pm
You can register here
Admission to ICS is free if you register online, in-advance. Registrations after 19th August will have a £50 administrative fee. /...
The event is taking place at the Marshall Arena, Milton Keynes, MK1 1ST.
The International Composites Summit is taking place on the 4 - 5 September 2024.