
The International Composites Summit is committed to sustainability and building a greener future for our industry and the planet.

We recognise the vital role composites can play in light weighting structures, reducing energy consumption, and enabling advancements, for example, in renewable energy technologies.

We implement sustainable practices throughout the event lifecycle

No single use structures:

All shell scheme and pod stands are reused at multiple industry events.

No carpet on the floor:

 Which means no carpet is sent to landfill at the end of the event.

Electronic signage and information:

Minimises printing and where possible all printed signage is reused year after year.

The venue uses 50% green energy.

All lighting uses LED bulbs.

Zero waste to landfill:

The venue achieves zero-waste to landfill through its contract with Grundon:

    • Achieved through installing large compactors.
    • Dedicated food waste collection service.
    • Reduced number of waste collections and vehicle movements.
    • Installed new colour-coded waste bins.
    • Educates the Arena on how to stay compliant.
    • Generated green electricity for export to the National Grid.

Low carbon food available:

The venue uses local produce in all its food.

Connecting Sustainability Leaders:

The summit facilitates networking opportunities for industry leaders and innovators who are passionate about driving a sustainable future for composites.

Content Focus:

Sustainability is a central theme woven into the event program. We feature presentations and discussions focused on the latest advancements in sustainable composite materials, applications, and manufacturing processes.

Moving Forwards:

We will be producing a carbon footprint journey for the exhibition which will include plans for offsetting any emissions.

Let’s Go Green Together! Be a Sustainable Exhibitor at ICS

We’re committed to creating a greener exhibition experience. Here are some ways you, as an exhibitor, can join us in minimising your environmental impact:

Reduce, Reuse, Rethink Your Stand:

Invest in Reusables: A custom, reusable booth made from sustainable materials is a long-term investment that saves on waste and money.

Embrace Multi-Use Design: Opt for modular displays that can be reconfigured for different events. Consider timeless graphics that avoid referencing specific dates.

Ditch the Throwaways: Skip single-use items like tablecloths and carpet. Explore fabric alternatives or rent furniture.

Sustainable Merch and Marketing:

Think Quality over Quantity: Offer fewer, high-quality promotional items made from recycled or organic materials.

Get Digital: Ditch printed brochures for digital ones accessible through QR codes or a landing page.

Plan for Giveaways: If giveaways are essential, consider seed packets, reusable water bottles, or items made from recycled content.

Travel and Logistics:

Use Public Transport: Whenever possible, opt for eco-friendly transportation like trains or buses to reach the venue.

Consolidate Shipping Items: Combine shipments whenever possible to reduce packaging waste and transportation emissions.

Favour Local Suppliers: Support the local economy and minimise your carbon footprint by choosing local vendors for booth materials and services.

Energy Efficiency:

LED the Way: Use LED lights throughout your booth for bright, energy-saving illumination.

Power Down When Unattended: Unplug electronics and switch off lights when your booth is closed.

Consider Eco-Friendly Options: If offering product demos, explore solar-powered charging stations or low-energy devices.

Responsible Waste Management:

Pack Light: Only bring what you need. Utilise reusable containers for transporting booth materials.

Recycle and Compost: Work with the venue to understand their waste management system and segregate your waste accordingly.

Donate or Repurpose: Consider donating leftover promotional items or repurposing booth elements for future use.

Be Resource Efficient:

Bring a Water Bottle: Refill a reusable water bottle throughout the event to eliminate single use plastic.

Avoid Single Use Plastic: Don’t make use of plastic plates, cutlery and cups. Opt for reusable alternatives.

Let’s Work Together!

By taking these steps, you’ll not only showcase your commitment to sustainability but also potentially reduce costs and create a more impactful exhibition experience. We’re here to help! 

Together, we can make ICS a greener event!

Here’s why you need to be visiting the International Composites Summit.

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